A word about older writers

The market for writers has been pretty grim the past few years, and even grimmer for someone on the far side of 45.
And while it sometimes seems that all the jobs are going to new faces with freshly minted degrees, the reality is that we're all flailing in an increasingly crowded job-pool. It's just that older – no, let's say more mature – job seekers face additional hurdles.
We are all to some degree judged by out appearance and how we present ourselves, and while we can put our best foot forward, we can't really hide our years of experience. Our faces and our resumes give us away. And for some employers, this maturity is viewed as a handicap - and that's a shame, because older workers can bring a wealth of skills, experience and talent honed and improved over long years in the business world.
Talent and ability are not the sole prerogative of the young and the comely. Older workers could not have succeeded for as long as they have unless they possessed them too. Most mature workers bring with them long histories of successes.
Older workers are in it for the long haul. They have successfully navigated a lifetime of deadlines, changes, disruptions and adaptation to be where they are today. They are like long distance runners in the middle of a course: they've successfully navigated many obstacles to get this far in the race, and they'll navigate many more before they reach the finish line.
Angry clients. Bad bosses. Buyouts. Corporate mergers. Deaths in the family. Layoffs. Lost data. Marriage breakups. Missed deadlines. New software. Office politics. 'Paradigm shifts.' Personality clashes. Platform migrations. Serious illness. Strikes. System crashes….
A full list of the 'challenges' they've overcome would frighten Odysseus – and yet most mature writers have successfully navigated these difficulties and more during their careers. Experienced writers have been tested and have proven their mettle while newer writers are often encountering these experiences for the first time.
To stay competitive, mature writers must keep their skills current and saleable. This means constantly learning about new software, new delivery systems and new approaches to documentation. It means networking with other writers, reading about and using new technologies and tools, and staying abreast of current trends and developments.
Mature writers must also stay flexible and remain open to change. The market is not what it was 10 years ago or even five years ago, and writers must adapt to succeed. They must stay curious about developments in the field, and be receptive to new approaches, working relationships and expectations.  It's not enough to know grammar, punctuation and style conventions any more – if it ever was. Budgets are smaller, deadlines are tighter and expectations are greater, and we have to work smarter to stay on top of these changes.
Mature writers must also remain upbeat and project optimism. Face it – no one's succeeded in the business world for long by accepting failure. A 'can do' attitude and a willingness to find workarounds and fixes go a long way to creating future successes too.
Check your doubts at the door, put your best foot forward and emphasize your skills, successes and creativity. You've hooked the brass ring before and you can – you will – do it again.

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